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January 2020


Dear donators,

can you imagine the joy of the pupils as they entered their gymnastic hall and saw all the presents? Contrary to our normal procedure to give out the presents class by class, we were asked by the director to put all the presents around the Christmas tree. Thanks to your donations there were a lot of sparkling children’s eyes as they received their Christmas gift and went home with it.

This year we were in more rural areas again. We visited a number of smaller schools. The smallest school we were, had only three pupils. The teacher told us that there 30 pupils 10 years ago. But a young man returned from Austria and wants to start a business. So everybody hopes for work and that the younger people will stay and not leave like so many others.

The farther you come into the countryside the more you realize that hardly anything changed since the war and that is now more than 25 years ago. Crumpled down and desolated houses, dilapidated streets and in some areas still warnings against mines along the streets.

All the more the people are thankful for the food boxes, which show them that they are not forgotten. This year we learnd that there are many people who are ashamed because they in need of the food boxes. And again astonishment that the help comes from Germany and that people are willing to make the trip to those remote places to bring these boxes.

And they hope that we will come back this year.

Thanks to you, dear donator, that with your generous donation this project was possible.

I wish you a belated happy new year

M. Gwinner

2. Vorsitzender



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Name:Int. Church of the Nazarene

Bank:  Volksbank Stuttgart eG

IBAN:  DE08 6009 0100 0498 0800 05


Stickwort: Boxes For Bosnia

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Herzlichen Dank

Mary Schaar




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70372, Stuttgart, Germany

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